OUR HISTORY: The Immanuel House and The House of Promise, were the product of God’s burden that He had placed in the hearts of His people in Faith Bible Church. As we looked around at our society and our area, looking for a place where people could go to escape their environment, into an environment filled with as much Jesus as possible, we saw there was not such a place in Edgecomb County. There are missions, there are shelters, there are even homes and houses, but places where people will be pulled out of their current state, and put into a state of discipleship, was non-existent. This was the burden God had laid on our hearts. It started with one mobil home, and three men. In the last two years, we have watched God grow this ministry in ways that can only be explained by His hand. We now have three houses that hold twenty-four residents, all of which are filled. We are seeing God do a great work in our midst. As we gained the support of our community, it’s leaders, and the families of those to whom we are trying to help, we have seen God continue to build this work for His glory and His Kingdom. Like any work of God, it all started with prayer and a desire to see God do what God wants to do in the lives of those who need God to do it. The Immanuel House got its name from the word Immanuel, being interpreted “God with us.” This was always about seeing God’s Kingdom come together so that God could do a work through “us.”

OUR FIERY MISSION: Both “The Immanuel House” (God with us) & “The House of Promise” are houses designed to provide individuals who are looking for a NEW FRESH START in life, with a safe place and Effective Tools enabling them to do so. Perhaps you have heard of the phrase “You are a product of your environment,” and we believe that to be a “Truth based” statement.

When people are trying to begin a NEW Life, they need a NEW place, NEW surroundings, and NEW opportunities enabling them to do so. The Recovery Homes God has entrusted to us provides them with the place, structure, and the freedom enabling them to do so, while being under the care of experienced staff and Leadership. We ASK each resident to give us a minimum of 6 months, and a maximum of 1 year. During this one year, we at the Recovery Homes, will help them acquire living skills, a job, money for a vehicle, and obtain residency, while helping them to build a foundation that will be able to stand the storms of life through faith, and discipleship. We REQUIRE them to go to a minimum of 4 church services a week. They receive biblical counseling Monday-Thursday for 2 hours a day for at least the first 30 days.

This is an “US” thing. “The Immanuel House” means “God with US,” for it is a partnership with God being the primary on one side, and “us” being the secondary on the other side. God with “us” is what will truly make a difference. Our hope & prayer is to see individuals (multiple) receive this NEW life in Christ, that of which anyone can have when given the proper environment enabling them to do so. THAT is our FIERY MISSION! THAT is our GOAL!

OUR VISION: Our Vision is to SEE! NOT to see people where they ARE, but where they COULD be. NOT see people for WHO they are, but who they COULD be! It is to see people’s lives completely changed, seeing them be beautifully TRANSFORMED from the inside out, Unlocking & Unleashing the FULL POTENTIAL within them, becoming all who God has created & called them to be, “OLD things passed away, ALL things become NEW.” We see MULTIPLICATION, for Each one represents 100, every 100 a 1,000, and every 1,000, 10’s of thousands. We see those who have no opportunity as our opportunity, and it is to help them see the love of Christ through us. The Bible says, where there is no vision, the people perish. This is God’s Vision that of which has been entrusted to us, and we believe it will keep people from perishing in the most basic sense of the word, while enabling us to keep them from perishing in the most essential sense of the word.

WHAT WILL IT TAKE?! Well, first and foremost, it will take GOD, for without God we can do NOTHING. Next, it will take “US,” for it is God WITH us, and the more of “US” there is, the more people we can help. It will take us collectively, financially, voluntarily, prayerfully, bodily, and sacrificially all working together to make this Vision become a Reality! When we work together, we can see multitudes saved, made free, changed, and transformed by the Grace & Power of God. Thirdly, it will take COMPASSION! Compassion is PASSION with LOVE in ACTION, hence COMPASSION. When Jesus had compassion on people, He fed them, healed them, gave them NEW LIFE again, and this is EXACTLY what will be needed, as well as what it will take for us to truly make a difference in this world. The Bible says in Jude 1:22, “and some having compassion making a difference.”

Will you prayerfully consider faithfully locking arms with us, being a part of this Fiery Mission, in hopes to make a powerful difference in this world?! We are 100% Faith based operation through the local church, and whatever you give will be used 100% for the Ministry. We look forward to seeing millions of souls saved, lives completely changed, strongholds demolished, addictions destroyed, generational curses broken, captives made free, & seeing God continue to do “Great and Mighty things” which we have never seen before, all for God’s glory, in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen!